A filosofia Lean em ambiente escolar / Nuno M.C. Palma
More-than-human / ed. Andrés Jaque , Marina Otero Verzier , Lucia Pietroiusti
Facing Gaia : eight lectures on the new climatic regime / Bruno Latour
The ends of the world / Déborah Danowski , Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
Art in the Anthropocene : encounters among aesthetics, politics, environments and epistemologies / ed. Heather Davis , Etienne Turpin
Earth stewardship : linking ecology and ethics in theory and practice / ed. Ricardo Rozzi... [et al.]
Textures of the anthropocene : grain vapor ray : manual / ed. Katrin Klingan... [et al.]
Textures of the anthropocene : grain vapor ray : vapor / ed. Katrin Klingan... [et al.]
Textures of the anthropocene : grain vapor ray : grain / ed. Katrin Klingan... [et al.]
Beyond nature and culture / Philippe Descola; prólogo Marshall Sahlins ; trad. Janet Lloyd
Textures of the anthropocene : grain vapor ray : ray / ed. Katrin Klingan... [et al.]
Architecture in the Anthropocene : encounters among design, deep time, science and philosophy / ed. Etienne Turpin