Arts of living on a damaged planet : ghosts of the Anthropocene / ed. Anna Tsing... [et al.]
The shock of the Anthropocene : the earth, history, and us / Christophe Bonneuil ,Jean-Baptiste Fressoz
Anthropocene or capitalocene? : nature, history, and the crisis of capitalism / ed. Jason W. Moore
Alberto Carneiro : árvores, flores e frutos do meu jardim : desenhos e esculturas / Catarina Rosendo (ed.)
Textures of the anthropocene : grain vapor ray : manual / ed. Katrin Klingan... [et al.]
Textures of the anthropocene : grain vapor ray : vapor / ed. Katrin Klingan... [et al.]
Textures of the anthropocene : grain vapor ray : grain / ed. Katrin Klingan... [et al.]
Undermining : a wild ride through land use, politics, and art in the changing west / Lucy R. Lippard
Textures of the anthropocene : grain vapor ray : ray / ed. Katrin Klingan... [et al.]
Plant-thinking : a philosophy of vegetal life / Michael Marder
Provisões : uma conferência visual / ed. Mabe Bethônico
Guia dos rios e barragens / dir. Rui Tavares Guedes; ed. Paulo Chitas